Bash | Cookbook
Configure Bash Environment
Using Bash Completion
Add git completion
Download git-completion.bash to $HOME/etc
$ mkdir $HOME/etc $ cd $HOME/etc $ wget
Add git-prompt to .bashrc
. $HOME/etc/
Add completion for Makefiles
Add this to .bashrc
complete -W "`grep -oE '^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+:([^=]|$)' ?akefile | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]*$//'`" make
Customize Bash prompt
Add git repository/branch to prompt
Download to $HOME/etc
$ mkdir -p $HOME/etc $ cd $HOME/etc $ wget
Add git-prompt to .bashrc
. $HOME/etc/
Configure prompt to display git branch
export PS1='[\033[33;1m]\w[\033[m] [\033[32m]$(__git_ps1 " (Writing Bash Scripts
Set vi commands in bash-script
Parsing Parameter
$ brew install gnu-getoptBash Script Template
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMD_GETOPT=/usr/local/opt/gnu-getopt/bin/getopt S_OPTS="vdm:" L_OPTS="verbose,debug,versions,install:,init:" OPTS=$($CMD_GETOPT --options "$S_OPTS"--longoptions "$L_OPTS" -- "$@") eval set $OPTS shift while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do echo "Param 1: '$1'" case "$1" in -v | --verbose) VERBOSE=true; ;; -d | --debug) DEBUGLEVEL="$2"; shift ;; --versions) MODE=GETVERSIONS ;; --install) TYPE="$2"; shift MODE=INSTALL ;; --init) MODE=INIT ;; --) shift; break;; * ) break;; esac shift doneShow progress with a spinner
#!/bin/bash COMMAND="${1^^}" SYMBOL_PASS="$(printf '\e[0;32m\xe2\x9c\x94\e[0m')" SPINNER_STATE='\|/-' spinner() { local _lastpos=$((${#SPINNER_STATE}-1)) SPINNER_STATE="${SPINNER_STATE:$_lastpos:1}${SPINNER_STATE:0:$_lastpos}" printf " } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [[ "$COMMAND" = "STEP1" ]]; then printf " _LASTDATE= for _LINE in *.csv do _FILE="$(basename $_LINE)" _CURRDATE=${_FILE:19:8} rm -rf $_CURRDATE mkdir -p $_CURRDATE cp $_LINE $_CURRDATE if [[ "$_CURRDATE" = "$_LASTDATE" ]]; then spinner else printf "${SYMBOL_PASS}\n${_CURRDATE}: " fi _LASTDATE=$_CURRDATE done printf "\n" fi
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