Tipps und Tricks für Entwickler und IT-Interessierte
Change to users home and create users’s profile .bash_profile (if not exist)
cd $HOME touch .bash_profile
Download nvm install script and run it. The installation script also modifies the users’s profile .bash_profile
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
Run users’s profile, so nvm will be installed. This ist done automatically after login.
. .bash_profile
Install latest Node LTS version
# install latest version nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node # install a specific version npm -install 8.12.0 # set nvm aliases (used in direnv configuration) nvm alias latest 8.12.0 nvm alias default 8.12.0 # install additional packages npm -g install ionic@latest npm -g install capacitor@latest
Create Ionic sample Apps
mkdir -p daten cd daten ionic start tabs tabs --type angular —-no-link ionic start sidemen sidemenu --type angular —-no-link
Installation on mac OS. For more information read here
brew install direnv
Installation on Linux
sudo apt-get update <br> sudo apt-get install direnv
#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELF=$BASH_ARGV HERE="$(cd $(dirname "$SELF"); pwd)" SELF="$(basename "$SELF")" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT() { GRP="$1"; shift CMD="$1"; shift PAR="$*" printf " } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINT "config" "$HERE" "$SELF" PYTHON_VERSION=2.7.14 NODE_VERSION=latest export NVM_DIR="$HERE/.env/nvm" PRINT "setup" "nvm" "$NVM_DIR" . /usr/local/opt/nvm/nvm.sh PRINT "set latest" "nvm" "$NODE_VERSION" nvm use $NODE_VERSION --silent PRINT "set latest" "pyenv" "$PYTHON_VERSION" pyenv local $PYTHON_VERSION 2>&- PRINT "Enabled" "nvm" "$(nvm --version)" PRINT "Enabled" "node" "$(node --version | sed '1,$s/v//g')" PRINT "Enabled" "npm" "$(npm --version)" PRINT "Enabled" "python" "$(python --version 2>&1)" PRINT "Enabled" "python2" "$(python2 --version 2>&1)"
# setup direnv eval "$(direnv hook bash)"