Ionic | App from Scratch – Adding Content

In this blog, we will discus the steps to add additional content (pages, components) to your existing app. We will start with the App From Scratch we create here.


Configure Visual Studio Code

First, we will configure Visual Studio Code to show only the desired folders for this tutorial.

Look for the lines unter „files.exclude“ and add or edit the desired content.

Setting to true means exclude (remember the title of the group: files.exclude)

As we add some content, we want to see immediately the results.

So, i opened three windows

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Browser Windows

  • Console, where we start the ionic server

Now we can start: Lets add some pages we will use to contain Ionic Components (Buttons, Text, Switches, Lists, Grids, …)

Out app have 3 pages. You will find them in them explorer window

For each component type, we will add, i want to a a separate folder.

So, first: create a folder pages for our pages

<pre class="wp-block-code">```bash
$ ionic serve
> ng run app:serve --host= --port=8100

In the console window, we will see an error
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